With Black Eagle 50, Steadicopter enables civil and commercial operators with quality data efficiently and safely.
As technology develops within the military environment, often there will be a transition into the civilian business world with similar technologies but entirely different and wide range of uses.
Commercial and Civil Industries
Power line inspection involves examining the pylons and their high voltage insulators. Even the conecting screw must be intact. This process is increasingly being performed by helicopters. Typically the smallest team is made up of an observer using dedicated equipment and a pilot flying at about 10-50 knots. The inspection frequency depends on transmission line size. The helicopter usually hovers at a horizontal distance close enough for observation, approximately 20-300 feet depending on the equipment used and at a height of about 15 feet from the ground. This means that the noise produced by the inspection limits the hours the helicopter can fly, due to noise abatement laws and disturbance to livestock.
Electricity providers in many countries commission the service of manned helicopter companies to conduct power line inspections, wash insulators and detect thermographic problems.
Typically a twin engine helicopter is used costing a lot per day. With the current economic climate where cost reduction plans are being drawn up, replacing this method of inspection should most certainly be examined. Especially today the technological advantage provided by Rotary UAVs may overcome past restraints.
Steadicopter’s Black Eagle UAS is very suitable for electric power line inspection tasks. Equipped with required cameras, an inspection of specific electric power lines and poles or wide range inspection sends real time footage and data to the operator which can be sent at the same time to the power company’s control center for reviewing. The Black Eagle can hover as close as even 5 meters away from the power lines. View photoes of high voltage power line inspection and Contact us for more up-to-date information.
Pipeline infrastructures must constantly be monitored. The potential threat to lives and economic losses necessitates constant and regular inspections. Pipelines located near mines risk rupture due to land movement associated with underground mining.
Europe has invested in numerous projects using satellite based remote sensing (PRESENSE, PIPEMOD and GMOSS) to reach the levels of pipeline monitoring required by the pipeline operators, only to conclude that more work is necessary to reach the level needed by the pipeline operators.
Steadicopter’s Rotary UAV based products can monitor and inspect gas and oil pipelines by flying and hovering at low altitude with special camera sensors. The footage is sent in real time to the ground operator for editing and assessing the pipe’s condition. Contact us for more information.
Aircrafts are widely used for taking professional pictures from up above the ground. Mapping the landscape is an entire profession and is used by many industries and institutes. Cartography is an art going back to ancient days, but today it needs to produce the most accurate maps and GIS layers possible. Geodesy, the science of measuring the size, shape, and gravity field of the Earth requires exact measurements. Geography, the study of physical and human landscapes, the processes that affect them, how and why they change over time, and how and why they vary spatially, is used in many fields of industry, academy and research.
Steadicotper’s state of the art Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) can give footage and exact measurements by using various payload sensors on an unmanned rotorcraft. Rotary UAVs have natural advantages which achieve the required tasks of these fields.
Earth observation, nature and environmental monitoring involve numerous sub-topics. Unmanned aircraft hold a big role in this field. UAVs are sent to fly over storms, hurricanes and volcanoes to gather information. For example, in Japan an unmanned helicopter (RUAV) was used to monitor a volcano from the inside. Unmanned vehicles are used for various wild life observation and study.
Steadicopter’s rotary UAV have natural advantages over other platforms, such as its inherent flexibility both in hover and capacity. This comes in very useful for many Environmental researches and tasks.
Steadicopter has the ability to customise its products to fit the needs and custom payloads for a wide variety of tasks to help observe, study and keep our green planet. Contact us for more information.
Agriculture is still the world’s largest industry. Expenditures on insecticides and herbicides account for a sizable percentage of a farmer’s operating expenses. Effective pesticide spraying is a crucial factor in farm profitability. Both over spraying and under spraying can have serious consequences. Farmers constantly seek improved methods for avoiding disease, insect infestation and weed damage.
While much of the world’s agriculture is dependent on chemical spraying, it is recognized by all as an environmental threat if not used wisely and sparingly. Many governments, especially in Canada and Europe are introducing or have introduced strict legislation pertaining to the use of pesticides and other agricultural chemicals.
Rotary UAVs have many advantages and are used for spraying crops and monitoring fields. Steadicopter’s products can improve crop yield and optimum harvest and improving agricultural land usage through sophisticated monitoring. Usages include wild and unwanted plant growth control, detection of optimal conditions for crop harvesting and pruning.
Steadicopter’s Black Eagle is suited for a wide range of agricultural needs. RUAVs may be used for monitoring fisheries and for monitoring the spreading of sea weeds. RUAVs offer the ability to spray all around a weed exactly. Contact us for more information.